Another great year – with many competitions, Grading, seminars and events 2010

The first part of the year saw Gary Taylor Get Bronze in the BJJ European Championships.
Last weekend of January saw Lisbon in Portugal hosting the European 2010 Ju Jitsu championships. Sensei Gar Taylor along with members - Pete Dutton & Steve Walter made the journey. Steve kindly offered to come over as their corner man, which was greatly appreciated.
Pete Dutton fought in the over 105kg super heavyweight seniors, and Gary in the lightweight under 76kg seniors.
Pete battled hard putting up a good show but unfortunately got defeated with a choke by the now European champion. Gary says he was lucky – but as we know you make your own luck in life and Gary’s hard training schedual and amazing ability got him into a semi final position only to be beaten at the last hurdle by the Frenchman. Gary beat a BBJ man that in the past had beaten him when they met some months ago. Gary won Bronze medal.
Last weekend of January saw Lisbon in Portugal hosting the European 2010 Ju Jitsu championships. Sensei Gar Taylor along with members - Pete Dutton & Steve Walter made the journey. Steve kindly offered to come over as their corner man, which was greatly appreciated.
Pete Dutton fought in the over 105kg super heavyweight seniors, and Gary in the lightweight under 76kg seniors.
Pete battled hard putting up a good show but unfortunately got defeated with a choke by the now European champion. Gary says he was lucky – but as we know you make your own luck in life and Gary’s hard training schedual and amazing ability got him into a semi final position only to be beaten at the last hurdle by the Frenchman. Gary beat a BBJ man that in the past had beaten him when they met some months ago. Gary won Bronze medal.

Also in November a chance to test yourselves in a Combat Ju-Jitsu tournament held at Walsall. Another great day of priceless experience. If you missed these you really lost out!
Of course we had many Gradings throughout the year - Congratulations to all the members who graded – well done you are now another step up the ladder in your journey within this Martial Art.
Of course we had many Gradings throughout the year - Congratulations to all the members who graded – well done you are now another step up the ladder in your journey within this Martial Art.

Special Congratulations to Sarah Fryer who was able to recover from un-successful first attempt at her Black Belt in 2009 and worked on the areas needed throughout 2010 – she did well in the annual Black Belt Grading in December and was awarded her Black Belt at the end of last year.